The ongoing wet weather, caused extended La Nina has sparked an increase of mould in homes and businesses along the east coast of Australia.

Flick’s fogging solution eliminates mould, targets and kills airborne mould spores, and prevents mould from coming back.

If you find mould in your home or business call 1300 270 019 to speak to an expert for more information on mould removal fogging treatments.

mould removal

Health Effects of Mould Exposure

Did you know that a build up of mould in your home or business can cause health problems? Health effects of mould exposure include:

  • Running or blocked nose
  • Irritated skin and eyes
  • Wheezing

Long term exposure to mould increases your risk of developing severe mould infections, which usually target the lungs and impact the respiratory system.

Mould exposure is especially detrimental to those who suffer from asthma. Inhaling mould spores can induce an asthma attack.

Do not leave mould in your home or business untreated, call Flick today 1300 270 019 and eliminate mould.

Protect Your Property from Mould

Flick’s fogging treatment is effective mould treatment for internal areas, sub-floors and roof voids to ensure a healthy living or working environment. The treatment will not remove any visible staining from the mould, but will kill all the bacteria that grows mould.

With our mould fogging treatment you have peace of mind knowing:

  • Target and kill airborne mould spores, to prevent health problems
  • Create a barrier against mould, and prevent mould from coming back

Keep your property clean and free from mould, call Flick today 1300 270 019.

Mould Removal Service

Fast & Effective Mould Removal

Flick’s mould fogging treatment requires minimal downtime. A fine mist is distributed into the air throughout the entire internal environment and the property will be ready to re-enter one hour after treatment.

The antimicrobial effectiveness of the misting will provide ongoing protection, to stop mould from re-grouping and keep your property free of mould.

Remove mould quick and efficiently, call Flick today 1300 270 019.

Non-Toxic Mould Treatment

Our mould fogging treatment is a non-toxic, environmentally friendly solution, that is safe for humans and pets.

Flick’s mould removal fogging treatment leaves a non-toxic coating on surfaces, creating a barrier to stop mould from growing back.

Eliminate mould and contact the experts today! Call 1300 270 019 for a free quote.

Book A Service Now

Book us for an inspection today and safeguard your home!