What’s lurking within your walls? It could be more than you think. A recent discovery we made in a client’s home using our advanced thermal imaging technology uncovered a startling discovery. Unbeknownst to its owners, busy bees had been constructing a large and intricate hive within their walls…right under their noses!
An Investigation is Instigated
The home owner contacted Flick as he’d spotted bees coming in and out of the brickwork of the house but couldn’t figure out where the hive was. He initially called a professional beekeeper in, who drilled some holes in the brick walls but couldn’t find any trace of a hive.
Flick’s Thermal Imaging to the Rescue!
Enter our expert technician. As a leading global force in pest control, Flick has access to the latest technology. One of our weapons against termites is a thermal imaging device that detects the tiny creatures moving within structures.
Using this device, the Flick technician located movement within the walls of the third bedroom of the house. Success! The beekeeper came back and assisted in pulling the wall out and locating the hive, which was of a considerable height and depth. The hive and bees were removed safely and the area treated by Flick.
Ensuring Protection From Future Pests
Bees are an essential part of our ecosystem, and Flick will always seek to safely remove and relocate them where possible. However, pests and rodents also love honey! A bee free house is essential not only because of the buzzing annoyance and the risks they carry from sting but also to protect your home from disease-carrying pests.
After the removal of the hive in question, Flick gave the whole house a general preventative pest treatment, to ensure that any pests were eradicated.
Established in Australia over 100 years ago, Flick has become the most trusted name in pest control and hygiene. Now part of the global Anticimex network, we use the latest technology to safeguard your most valuable assets – your home and family.
Whether it’s bees, termites, rodents or other pests, we’ll give them the Flick – for good! Get in touch today regarding your pest problem and we’ll devise a bespoke solution.
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